Tricia Ugland, Kindergarten
Dear Cloverleaf Families,
Welcome to Mrs. Ugland’s Kindergarten Classroom! I am so excited at the opportunity to spend this year with you and your Kindy kiddo. Thank you so much for sharing them with me! I have so many fun things in store for this year! I can’t wait for the year to begin so we can get started!!
First, a little bit about myself……
This is my 13th year with the Cloverleaf Program, and I absolutely LOVE being a part of such an amazing learning community! Over the years, I have worn a few different hats here. I started my journey with Cloverleaf teaching Social Studies and Kindergarten, and I also had the unique opportunity to teach our online students as part of our eLearning program. My heart is in Kindergarten, so, I am excited beyond words to be collaborating with you as your child's Kindergarten Teacher here at Cloverleaf!! I am looking forward to getting to know all of my wonderful students and their families this year!!
Prior to teaching in the Cloverleaf Program, I was a teacher in Douglas County School District, where I taught both intermediate and primary grades. I taught Kindergarten for five years before taking time off for a short bit to spend time with my kids who are growing up way too quickly.
Speaking of my kids, my husband and I are blessed with an 18 year old son named Trevor, a sixteen year old daughter named Isabel, an almost fourteen year old son named Colby, two dogs – Marvin and George, and a bunny named Rocky. All of which keep us plenty invigorated, inspired, amazed, and on the go!
Now, a little bit about Kindergarten and some of the "Big Ideas" we will be focusing on this year……
Please find below, a TENTATIVE overview of our units, as well as a TENTATIVE daily schedule. This will at least give you an idea of what your Kindy kiddo will be learning in the classroom with me here at Cloverleaf. My goal is to make learning engaging, hands-on, meaningful, developmentally appropriate, BUT MOST OF ALL FUN!!!!! Each week, I will send a weekly update via email with more specific information about the learning that is taking place in our classroom.
Our daily lessons/activities which will align with Colorado State Standards and Douglas County Priority Learning Outcome will include, but are not limited to: literacy, writing, math skills, STEM activities and seasonal thematic units. Colorado Essential Skills will be integrated throughout all that we do.
In Kindergarten, reading and writing are incorporated into EVERYTHING we do. One of the Colorado State Standards I will focus on throughout the year in Kindergarten is Obtaining Meaning through Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. This will be accomplished in a variety of ways:
*Reading: Phonics/phonemic awareness, word work, sight words, decoding, story elements, and comprehension skills
*Writing: Writers Workshop; drawing pictures, sound stretching, sentence building, conventions
*Speaking: Special Friend presentations, sharing thoughts and ideas, collaborating
*Listening: Using active whole body listening skills to obtain meaning; looking eyes, listening ears, locked lips, still body, and thinking brain
Some of our units of study which will incorporate a balanced literacy approach include:
*Citizenship - What it means to be a good student and a good friend. Building Community
*Science/STEM – Hands on problem solving activities centered around the Scientific Process
*Making Connections
To support our school wide TEAM Time program, we will be utilizing a curriculum called, “Random Acts Of Kindness”. The concepts covered in this program are: Respect, Caring, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Responsibility and Courage. This curriculum is dedicated to helping children deepen their understanding of their own mental process and give students the opportunity to build upon their own self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making skills. The lessons give students the opportunity to to be inspired, feel empowered, act on what they’ve learned, reflect and share with their peers.
I truly believe that we, as parents and teacher, have the same goal for your child, to be happy and successful in learning and in life. So, that being said, it is my belief that communication between us is extremely important. Through my weekly updates, I will do my best to keep you informed of what we are doing in class, with upcoming events/activities, and due dates. I will try to update communications by Monday of each week. I can also be reached by email at
Lastly, a few little FYI’s……..
Recess and Snack:
Each morning Kindergartners will have recess and snack. Students may bring a healthy peanut/nut free snack to enjoy during this time. Some recommended snacks are sliced fruit, vegetables, crackers, cheese, granola bars, fruit roll ups, etc. (nothing too messy, or that requires a spoon). So that kiddos understand this is just a snack, and not lunch, I ask that you pack it separately from their lunch, not in their lunchbox. Putting it in a front backpack pocket and reviewing each week with your child the location of their snack makes this process easier until everyone is used to the routine. Also, as the weather changes, please send your child with appropriate outdoor clothing (sweatshirts, coats, hats, gloves, etc.); I try to get these kiddos outside to run off some wiggles as much as possible!
Water bottles:
I am also requesting that each child bring a water bottle filled with water to school every day. Please label any bottles or containers that you want returned.
We love celebrating birthdays! Store bought individually wrapped treats are welcome and may be sent to school with your child on the day of their celebration. Since treats will be enjoyed by everyone in the class, please check with me for the number of students in our class, and any known allergies, but as a rule; nothing with peanuts/nuts.
I am so incredibly excited to get to spend this year with you and your child. I look forward to all this year has in store for us!
Thank you in advance for all that you do and for your support!
Tricia Ugland
Mrs. Ugland's Flexible Daily Schedule
start |
end |
Activity |
8:55 |
9:15 |
Morning assembly (Pledge of Allegiance, Some teaching, expectations, with presentations etc. ) |
9:20 |
9:55 |
Community Circle -Greeting and Sharing -Morning Message -Phonics/ Phonemic Awareness -Mindfulness/Body Movement |
10:00 |
10:30 |
Literacy Lesson -Phonics/Phonemic Awareness-Whole group collaborative lessons integrating emergent reading and writing skills |
10:30 |
11:00 |
Recess |
11:00 |
11:30 |
PE |
11:30 |
12:10 |
Special Friend -A weekly schedule will be sent out, along with Special Friend requirements |
12:10 |
12:40 |
lunch |
12:40 |
1:00 |
Brain Break/Read aloud/TEAM Time/Center and Project Prep |
1:00 |
2:00 |
Literacy Connection/Content |
2:00 |
2:45 |
Learning Centers/Projects |
2:45 |
3:00 |
Clean up/Pack up/Line up |