Cloverleaf Connector
March 1, 2024
February 25, 2024
February 2, 2024
Dear Cloverleaf Families:
Happy Friday! We had a fantastic week at Cloverleaf and took advantage of the wonderful weather we have been having. Be sure to ask your student(s) about the various activities, experiments, etc. that they got to do this week. In our morning meeting, we had our student awards honoring students who showed exceptional kindness to their classmates and teachers. Thank you to the parents that were able to attend!
Next week is National School Counselors Week and we will be celebrating our counselor, Mrs. Gina Raines. Students are welcome to wear Mrs. Raines’ favorite color, purple, and/or a hat to show our spirit for her.
Save the date! We will be taking a school-wide field trip to the Olympic Training Center on March 26, 27 and 28. More details will be coming out soon, as well as permission slips. Cloverleaf will be providing transportation.
Kindergarten and Middle School families
If you have not returned your permission slip for our Bonaventure visit, please complete this form and return it to your child’s teacher.
It is hard to believe that we are starting to think about the next school year. Below is information regarding returning and new students to Cloverleaf. We hope to see all of our students return next year and welcome new ones as well.
Cloverleaf 24-25 Enrollment Information
Current families
Intent to re-enroll on CHE website 2/5/24
24-25 online notification of intent to homeschool form link on Cloverleaf website 2/5/24
New students
Registration paperwork for new students on Cloverleaf website 2/5/24
If you know of anyone who may be interested in attending Cloverleaf next year, please let them know about our informational meeting on February 21st from 10-11:30. I have included the flyer here. Thank you for spreading the word about Cloverleaf!
A message from PE
We are done with the Jump Rope Unit and the students did an amazing job. I can check out a jump rope for any student who would like to continue practicing. We will start our Olympic Unit with tennis, badminton, and volleyball for the next few weeks. K-2nd grade will be using balloons in class. If your student is allergic/sensitive to balloons please email me directly at
Thank You,
Mrs. Cushman
Here is information from our school nurse regarding immunizations.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!
In partnership,
Beth Dowdy, Principal