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Middle School Morning Announcement

How-To Guide

Thank you so much for being a risk-taker and doing the morning announcements!  Below is a script for you to follow, but you may switch it up as you like (i.e., add some pizzazz by sharing a joke, work with a friend to do a short opening skit, etc.). I will give you specific details—who is performing an opening, an announcement about lunch, etc.—on the day of your announcement.

Announcement Script

  • Welcome Cloverleaf Students! My name is [your name] and I will be giving the announcements this morning. 
  • Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. [Remind the kids to stand and face the flag with their hand on their hearts and to remove their hats. You can say the pledge or take a volunteer].
  • Please be seated.

If there is a presentation:

  • Now we have [presenter's name] for a special presentation.
  • Thank you! You may take three questions from the audience.