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Student Survey

To evaluate our effectiveness, every spring we survey our students regarding important aspects of our school. Student responses on this survey are a critical part of our self-assessment in important goal areas. 

Cloverleaf goal areas include:

  • Safety/security. Do students feel safe?  
  • Respect. Do students feel respected and do they show respect to others?
  • Confidence. Do teachers value students' work and help students feel able?
  • Adult mentorship. Do students have an adult at school they feel comfortable talking with if they have a need?  
  • Collaboration. Do students have the ability to listen and a willingness to share their voices in dialogue?  Do students feel their ideas are valued?
  • Engagement. Are students interested in the work they are doing at school?  Is school fun?  
  • Sense of belonging. Do students have friends at school?  Do they experience a sense of community and feel included? 

We are very proud of the feedback students have provided us in their responses to this survey. The positive feedback affirms that our staff members are supporting students in vital ways.  

Highlights of the 2021 survey include:

  • 97% report that they treat their classmates with respect.
  • 99% of our students feel cared for by their teachers.
  • 92% of students report that they like school.
  • 96% of students report that their teachers believe in them.
  • 90% of students find what they are learning to be interesting and engaging.
  • 97% say they are good listeners
  • 85% report having lots of friends at Cloverleaf.

Even as we have much to celebrate, student feedback also helps us to identify areas for growth. For example, while almost 84% of students say their good work is valued, we would like to move that number even higher. Just over 78% of students say they are treated with respect by other students; our goal is for every student to feel respected by their peers.  Also, 88% of our students report feeling safe at Cloverleaf; while that number is high, we strive to make sure all students feel safe and secure. 77% of students agree that there is an adult at Cloverleaf whom they can go to for help; we are working to ensure that 100% of students agree with that statement.  

Here are the full results of the survey from last spring. We are proud of our students and the work of the adults in our community. We celebrate our strengths and endeavor to continually strengthen our program to best serve all Cloverleaf students and families. In addition, we invite all parents to join our school accountability team. It is this team that oversees the survey review annually and provides feedback and advice as we move forward.  

2021 Student SEL Survey